

Chase | Burst



Skill Effects


Elapsed Daytime
Blink Damage

When holding down the  Basic Attack button, Benedetta enters the Swordout state and keeps gathering the Sword Intent. If releasing the Basic Attack button after the Sword Intent is fully charged, Benedetta will use Swordout Slash in the direction she's facing and dash forward, dealing (+200% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage (identified as Skill Damage and decays to 50% on minions and creeps) to enemies on the path.
Only when Benedetta is in Swordout state and her Sword Intent is fully charged by holding down the Basic Attack button, she can release the Swordout Slash.
Benedetta can also gain Sword Intent when dealing damage via Basic Attack and Skills.
Physical SkillDeal Physical DMG to enemies. It doesn't trigger Physical/Magic Lifesteal but triggers Spell Vamp.
BlinkPenetrable movement.


Phantom Slash
AoE Blink | Physical Skill/Blink

Benedetta withdraws swiftly and leaves a shadow in front. After a short delay, her shadow slashes forward in a fan-shaped area, dealing 200–400 (+60% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage and slowing the enemies by 60% for 0.5 seconds.

Meanwhile, Benedetta dashes forward to slash, dealing 50–150 (+70% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage. (If the target is hit by her shadow, damage caused by Benedetta herself will increase to 200%.)
Physical SkillDeal Physical DMG to enemies. It doesn't trigger Physical/Magic Lifesteal but triggers Spell Vamp.
BlinkPenetrable movement.

Skill 1

An Eye for An Eye
Blink BUFF | Physical Skill/Blink

Benedetta raises her weapon to defend, gaining control immunity and blocking damage from any source for 0.8 seconds. After this, she stabs in the designated direction, dealing 300 (+80% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage.

If Benedetta successfully fends off any damage while defending, she will gain full Sword Intent. If she fends off any control effects, her subsequent stab stuns the target for 1.5 seconds.
Control ImmunityYou are immune to enemy CC effects (Suppressed excluded) within the duration.
Movement SpeedMovement Speed on the battlefield. Usually Calculated and Actual Movement Speed is equal. But when Movement Speed is below 230 or over 420 both Slowdown and Speedup Effect will decay.
Calculated Movement Speed = Basic Movement Speed × (100% + All Speedup Effect% - All Slowdown Effect%).
BlinkPenetrable movement.

Skill 2

Alecto: Final Blow
Burst Blink | Physical Skill/Blink

Benedetta clenches Alecto and slashes forward after a short delay (invincible while dashing), slowing all targets on the path by 70% for 1 second.
After dashing, Benedetta detonates the Sword Intent on the path, strangling the enemy with the Sword Intent for 2.5 seconds, dealing 120–160 (+85% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage and slowing the enemy by 20% every 0.2 seconds.
InvincibleYou are immune to enemy CC and damage effects within the duration.
Movement SpeedMovement Speed on the battlefield. Usually Calculated and Actual Movement Speed is equal. But when Movement Speed is below 230 or over 420 both Slowdown and Speedup Effect will decay.
Calculated Movement Speed = Basic Movement Speed × (100% + All Speedup Effect% - All Slowdown Effect%).
BlinkPenetrable movement.

Skill 3